风筝(2014)[美国,墨西哥][英语][拉尔夫·齐曼][塞缪尔·杰克逊,英迪娅·埃斯利,卡兰·麦克奥利菲,卡尔·伯克斯,DeVille Vannik,德翁·洛茨,Russel Savadier,Keci Eatock,Lionel Newton,Jaco Muller,Zane Meas,Terence Bridgett,Cleo Rinkwest,Matthew Van ...][豆瓣评分: 4.5][IMDB 评分:4.4]


7.25 of 10. 20-30 years ago this would have been a great film, bordering on academy award winning material. 15 years ago it would be great still but no longer close to being sci-fi.

Now, it's still entertaining and a quality film, just not worthy of being called science fiction. It's more of an alternate reality that seems more real and likely for Detroit than Robocop.

Regardless of its classification, it is manga/hentai-like minus the graphic nudity and sex. It does show that the stories behind those seemingly sex-only comics and cartoons can be made into quality films. What it also shows, however, is the need to update the technology embedded in the story if you don't want it to seem like a lost 1990s indie film.

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