210315 Weekly Discussion Thread

About a year ago I noticed at least two account only posting negative news about Japan on /r/japan . Definitely agenda accounts. I contacted the mods, but they don't care. And actually I noticed that those negative posts are usually the ones which get the most comments. And most are: Yeah typical Japan. The Japanese suck.
I think 90% of the people on there are american weebs who came to Japan to teach English and after some months they got completely disillusioned that it's not the anime wonder land they dreamed of. Like they barely speak any Japanese and at the same time complain that they can't make friends with Japanese people (of course that all the fault of the Japanese...)

The other 10% are actually people who came to work in Japan like a decade or longer ago, married a Japanese woman, got a kid, speak great Japanese, but are now kind of stuck in a bad marriage, because as soon as they get divorced they need to leave the country and lose custody of the kid. So they are extremely bitter, and the only enjoyment they get is from actually looking down on those weeb teachers. They even have their own subreddit called /r/japancirclejerk where they make fun of posts by those English teachers on /r/japan. But they are such cowards, that they don't even link to the posts, so that the user doesn't get a notification and find out that people talk behind their backs.
All in all I learned the American expat community is extremely cynical and they hate their life there and everything is the fault of the Japanese people. Disgusting.

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