Is hot dropping the best way to improve at this game?

1 - training mode for like 10min before you start. I guess it could be like "leg day" - using multiple guns in a 10min session wont teach you anything. However there is something that training mode won't give you 2 - EXPERIENCE. Drop mild to hot but dont overcook it. Too hot just means dying often due to rng which leads to frustration. Go somewhere fairly spicy like pochinki/large-cluster-compounds so that you can learn to keep moving, use angles and any means possible to deal with more than 1 enemy at a time. It would obv be best to hot drop if you have a high frustration threshold but..."survive" 3 - rotations and map knowledge takes time but the sooner you are aware that it is important, the better. This ties back to hot drops - you need to survive them to gain map knowledge. 4 - dont try too hard. Its just a game and should be fun. When you have a bad day, there is no shame in taking it a little slower. I sometimes go afk just to return to my character standing in a field and i try to make a win out of it by getting the basics and looking for fights.

Just remember that you are looking to get a few kills every game and you wont easily achieve that if all you do is loot for 9 years and die upon first contact. Also this is all just my opinion based on my play style. Consider it and see if it works for you.

Ooh and 5) choose a talented streamer (pref a competitive player who still plays the game) and learn from them.