[23F] What's my league? Not sure anymore after being rejected after a first date from Bumble

You make a lot of assumptions. You can’t really know what race my kids father is without some serious post stalking? Not sure I even mentioned his race at any point?

Regardless, I’ve had Asian exes. You don’t want a fetishist who only dates Asian men. You want someone who loves you. I am the first not blonde hair blue eyed girl my SO ever dated. It’s a huge red flag when someone only dates Asians.

No white worship. I had kids with who I had kids with. I am not required to be with anyone of any particular ethnicity. In fact, most of the Asian men I have known only date Asian women and I am not Asian enough for them.

I’m sorry for your experience. I don’t deny your experience. But there are other experiences that are just as valid.

/r/EqualAttraction Thread Parent Link - m.imgur.com