25% partner fee?

hey I'm following up on this. How much is the label charge? Based off my math, it appears to be around $10.

Why isn't this additional charge communicated when selecting our Grailed label through the selling UX? For a "large label" it says $11, with no other mention of additional prices.

Why not just say $11 + Grailed Label charge so that we know there's an additional charge on top? Doesn't this seem really non-transparent to you? Why not just tell us what the amount is right off the bat when you're not so subtlely "recommending" us to use Grailed labels and making it the default choice off the bat?

You've got all these people asking what's up, and your response to all of them is "did you selected grailed label" the label charge is included" and obviously NO ONE is aware of this label charge.

You've hidden some language here (https://www.grailed.com/about/grailed-labels) stating "This shipping fee, along with any commission or other item due to Grailed in connection with the transaction" to cover this label charge but not once do you quantify at all what the amount is.

/r/Grailed Thread Parent