[27/M] Virgin with questions.

You like to read philosophy too? Cool man. Me too. Sometimes I get really deep into the existentialist fields, and sometimes things get dark. You know those late nights when everyting is quiet and you contemplate your own mortality... you start to really think about the void, and what'll be like to be dead, if such a question even makes sense. Then you start to get freaked out, simultaneously excited and terrified about how deep that line of thinking goes. A lot of times those nights result in uneasy sleep.

Why am I saying all of this? Because one day you're gonna be dead. You are 27, you are never going to look better or feel better in your life. You have a lot of baggage, but the past is just the past. You cannot change it. What you can have a hand in is crafting your future. The very limited future you have left to enjoy your time on earth and to expand yourself as a person. So stop worrying so much about everything. We're all going to the same place - the big black void of nothingness. Even the billionaire, even the guy who bangs all teh hot chicks down the road - theres no differenc in the end - we all end up in the same place - no where. All you have is the time that is afforded to you. Luckily you're 27 and not 57 making this post.

So stop giving so much of a fuck that you developed late, and that you havent figured out how to come out of your social shell. It's time now to figure that out, one step at a time. So youre a virgin - you're educated, youve got internet access - theres a lot i can assume by the fact youre posting here. So stop giving so much of a fuck, get out there and enjoy yourself. Say hi to a girl tomorrow in public, but before you do, check out her ass. Youre allowed to do it. I do it all the time. 24/7 in fact. Ive never been called a creep in my life (just dont gawk or make it obvious, that makes girls feel unsafe). In any case, we're all horny bastards and believe it or not, girls have definitely checked you out too in public, but youre probably just too stuck in your own negative thoughts to ever catch them stealing a glimpse of you.

To many many women on this planet, you are their EXACT TYPE. Let that sink in, and take my advice. Enjoy. You'll be fine.

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