4chan/Reddit lurker

We're not at odds with them. They are not mostly national socialists, they're mostly satirists who push offensive shit to get a rise out of people. There are lots of actual nazis there, but there are more RPers than anything. It's just their culture, and it's completely theirs.

They hate reddit, and for good reason, and because we're on reddit we get talked shit about. It's like making fun of the handful of conservatives that post on Huffpo. They're still ourguy, but they're ourguy in a sea of cuckery, so, gotta make fun of em just due to the absurdity of it. Same principle with reddit.

Kek, is a bastardization of lel, which is a bastardization of lul, which is a bastardization of lol. Kek sounds like when Mr. Crabs laughs, e.g. kekekekekek. Kek also just happens to be the name of an egyptian elder god, which is represented by a frog avatar. Pepe came before Kek, so Kek + Pepe seemed natural.

Meme magic is just tongue in cheek happenstance with regards to coincidence. We blame coincidence on meme magic, when it looks like an invisible hand was at work.

For example, the 7777777th post on /pol/ was "Trump will win."

That's meme magic.

/r/The_Donald Thread