This is the 4th year in a row where Gohan breaks the meta after the anniversary

I'm gonna be fucking real here and I think a lot of really hardcore Dragonball fans might not like what I'm about to say; a lot of people are into this series exclusively to watch people fight, and they get mad when a character refuses to do so.

That’s not a hot take that’s the basic truth this fanbase has it bad.

A prime example would be the improvements Goku’s made as a family supporter in the DBS anime cannon he works a farm,provides money and spends more time with them but all that just gets ignored due to a 30 year old joke,DBZA,outta context cell saga debacle.

It even has it hold on Gohan people gave/still do give him shit for focusing on his family,studies,career opportunities not pumping the gym 24/7 but have the opposite reaction to Goku.

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