This times Extreme Co-op can f*ck itself

Z7 full boost Raditz EX 14* is useless with 3 equipment Z+ offensive and more than 400 power increase... I RR twice with an another Raditz EX and he doesn't be killed :(

With Frieza 3*, you have to wait until someone with Vegeta accept your character and you will win in the second RR. A few time before the shield, don't attack and he will not target you, also don't cover until he strike cause 1 spe = game over '

Like you know, all Vegeta will not accept to play with an old EX unit.

This time, I personnaly will not doing it.. the devs seems to be happy that unlucky f2p player cannot do the extreme co-op... so I just accept it cause I don't want to use 1h of my time for doing it.

Totally agree with the op !

/r/DragonballLegends Thread