Club statement - Ronaldo will not be in the squad for the Chelsea game

I’m just going to reiterate very respectfully that it’s pretty clear you’re very obviously speaking with bias

You haven't once explained what this 'bias' actually is.

Say what you want but CR7 has same toxic winners mentality that Ibra has but even worse, is physically healthier and playing at a higher level.

Have you actually seen Cristiano Ronaldo playing this season? Claiming he's playing at a higher level right now is delusional mate. Your comments are absolutely laughable, you're talking about a Ronaldo that doesn't exist. None of the clubs you're talking about have any reason to sign him. Bayern Munich are the only club in Germany he could realistically play for. Chelsea are the only English club and PSG the only French club. You are delusional if you believe clubs would be falling over themselves to sign him if he dropped his wages, and it will be proven by the next club he signs for.

'You're biased!' is such a torn-faced way of trying to justify your clueless comments, but hey, whatever floats your boat, yeah?

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