I dont know that i can continue my relationship.

First, I have a bone to pick with you. As cookieredittor pointed out, there is an appropriate place to discuss this. I brought my feedback/discussion there and would have thought you would have addressed my post there. Perhaps other moderators do not know this or know where that place is (read cookieredittor's comment to find out).

But since you have decided to post here, I will respond to you here.

Thank you for your perspective, but there are so many things that I feel are wrong, possibly harmful, and offensive in and about your post. Having said that, I am glad, very glad, that you stated your opinions, feelings, and experience. Regardless if I am offended by what I feel is your controlling attitude/behaviour (big trigger to me), I can learn from your words and am sure others can benefit from what you write also. It probably also helps you when express your feelings, no matter how offensive to others. What you said is intended to enlighten and help. I certainly am not arrogant enough to believe I should determine what is offensive or helpful to others, or naive enough to think that it would be beneficial to have discussion/debate that offends no one. If I were a moderator, I would find you post much more offensive than ResmiotNin's (post which started this), but would in no way feel that it was my place to reprimand you. In fact I would encourage anyone's post that intended to help, no matter how misguided. The simple way to solve what the moderators perceive as a problem is to address the specific perceived problematic point with counterpoint and debate, as many successfully do. What not to do is to bludgeon one with rules.

If you would like to discuss further, I brought my discussion to the appropriate place immediately after cookieredittor kindly pointed me in the right direction, and I would gladly continue there.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread Parent