Auto removed as guild master from the guild I created

I made the guild so long ago that naturally I don’t remember warnings around inactivity, so that’s on me.

To your main point, I can appreciate it could inconvenience members of the guild, which I did touch on in my post but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m the owner and creator. When you create something in any other walk of life, you own it. If the owner is neglecting the guild with inactivity, sure someone else should be put in charge to manage the guild but the creators ownership shouldn’t be completely taken away.

Your last comment is unreasonable in my opinion. I’m able to have a small rant about a feature of a game, it’s not that deep. You can’t seriously expect someone to continue to play a mobile game during periods they actively don’t want to, that’s not healthy lmao.

What are your thoughts?

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