Trump is wrong on the Paris climate agreement. I know because I negotiated it. - Leaders of more than 190 nations endorsed the agreement. The United States has no power to cancel it. This isn’t reality TV. You can’t tell sovereign leaders around the world “you’re fired,”

Okay everyone, get your tinfoil hats ready! They on? Good. So, let's recap first:

I like how history is full of examples like this of countries, especially dominant powers like the US, being involved in all kinds of shady business. But if you try to imply that maybe, just maybe that kind of thing is still going on today, you're an insane conspiracy theorist. Because paying attention to thousands of years of patterned behavior instead of believing that we right now are special, that makes you crazy.

Now, let that all sink in. I'll wait.

Okay, good. Still got that tinfoil hat on? Good. Because this guy/gal is 100% right. And it's on purpose. We have all these distractions to otherwise occupy us, and we are taught history as though we are beyond it. Like we have somehow reached enlightenment as a society, and that we cannot progress further as we are already at the apex of societal and government greatness. The government is spying on its citizens? Did you, uh, come here on the Mayflower or something? Politicians lying to their constituents? Yo, dawg, that shit is older news than 50 Cent, who incidentally may want to consider changing his name due to inflation. Government sponsored genocide? That last happened with Hitler who lived, like, forever ago, amirite?

But really. Although the adage that history is doomed to repeat itself is not lost, we clearly are exactly that: doomed to repeat it. Checks and balances were put in place by our founding fathers when they designed our government because of having revolted against their own corrupt government doing its own shady shit. However, just because those checks and balances are there it did not mean that we as a nation should put on autopilot and our blinders, trusting things will go smoothly. Money corrupts. Power corrupts. Both in large quantities is downright dangerous, and abounds in Washington. And both have a stranglehold on pretty much everything. But no one seems to notice or care most of the time because their sports team won, or they got the new iPhone they wanted, or any other number of reasons.

You get labeled as crazy for pointing out these inconsistencies because that's what people are taught to do, how they're taught to think. We are taught that history is only behind us and that we are beyond it. That America is the Land of the Free TM and that we are the greatest country on earth. And while a little bit of nationalism isn't terrible, and distractions aren't always bad either, if we bothered to take a look around every once in a while, we might see some of that shady shit that just keeps on happening.

You can take your tinfoil hat off now. Or leave it on. It's not my business if you let the CIA read your mind.

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