50% Chance to get a 7-Star! Step Up + Summon Bonus [Jan. 29 ~ Feb. 1]

if the forum is still dying : *50% chance to get a 7-Star Unit + Step Up + Summon Bonus! January 29 2016, 16:00 CET | February 1 2016, 16:00 CET​

  • 50% Chance for 7-Stars!
  • AMAZING 50% SUMMON RATES to get any Rare Unit that can already evolve to 7-Star! Each of the following Units have equal chances to be obtained:
  • Alpha, Claire, Lava, Volarda
  • Tazer, Colt, Elimo, Rigdila
  • Tora, Quaid, Oguro
  • Kanon, Diana, Ronel, Rize
  • Kira, Fadahl, Sefia, Raaga
  • Feeva, Ivris, Kikuri, Aaron Note: They cannot be summoned directly in 7-Star.​
  • All 3-Star Units have been removed from the Rare Summon Portal.
  • All Evolutions of the following Unit Series have been removed from the Rare Summon Portal:
    • Phoenix, Leviathan, Great Tree Alneu, Behemoth, Wyvern, Memetes
    • Captain Mega, Gunner Douglas, Emilia, Knight Will, Alice
    • Lancia, Pixy Leore, Tinkerer Elulu, Knight Aem, Lemia
    • Lorand, Dean, Edea, Loch

​ * Step Up! Your first 4 Rare Summons will cost 10 Gems instead of 20! Rare Summon cost will increase each time you summon as follows: 1 Gem, then 2, then 3, then 4 and then 5 as usual. Note: Any claimed Free Summon Ticket will be used before Gems. This does not affect the cost increase. ​ * Special Summon Bonus! Win GUARANTEED 7-Star Units when you try your luck in Rare Summon during this event! They will be sent to your Chest shortly after the event ends. The following Rewards are cumulative: * Perform 5 Rare Summons. 15 Gems instead of 25 with Step Up! Win RARE 7-Star Colt (Anima) + 3 Trident Keys, 1 Mystery Frog, 1 Sphere Frog, 1 Burst Emperor, 2 Almighty Imps Arton

  • Perform 10 Rare Summons. Win RARE 7-Star Claire (Anima)
  • 1 Mystery Frog, 1 Sphere Frog, 1 Burst Emperor, 2 Almighty Imps Arton

  • Perform 15 Rare Summons. Win RARE 7-Star Quaid (Anima)

  • 1 Mystery Frog, 1 Sphere Frog, 1 Burst Emperor, 4 Almighty Imps Arton​

/r/bravefrontier Thread Link - i.imgur.com