8/11/15 2 dinners again mc Donald's and a full roast dinner

I don't want to offend you, but I hope you're well aware of the health risks of both a combination of stuffing yourself with 2 dinners and McDonald's. Overeating a huge excess (like 3500-4000 calories a day) and eating processed, carb heavy foods is what gives the visceral fat which is where health can be jeopardised.

I'm only saying this because it seems less like stuffing or bloating and more about a fast weight gain. If you want to gain weight the simple truth is that there's no fast track. The best, biggest gainers took years. By this, I'm speaking roughly 40 lbs a year which equates to an excess of 500 calories per day. They do this with lots of fat, carbs and protein and still make sure they're moving around getting exercise.

So I think you've just got to ask yourself what your goals are. I only speak as someone who had severe health issues (and still technically have) as a result of gaining weight on a super high calorie, high junk diet with no physical activity. I'm still trying to get my health back to the way it was 8 months later.

I'm not doing this to be a nag or insult you or anything like that but merely out of concern. Ask yourself what it is you want. If it's the bloating or stuffing, keep it to maybe once every so often. If it's weight gain, then do it slowly with a balanced (50% carbs, 50% fats and protein) diet and exercise. You can't gain weight fast without it being dangerous, I speak from experience. Look at people like GainerGuyCDN. It took him quite some years to get where he is.

So just ask yourself what it is you want. If this hurt your feelings or whatever then feel free to ignore me but I'm just trying to say things.

/r/annabelly Thread Link - imgur.com