Ad location help

Welcome. We provide Facebook services.

1.Sale service:

- Facebook profiles

- ad accounts ( high spending limit)

- old Pages

- verified profiles

- verified Business

and many more .....

2.Rent ad account service:

*Service included:

- FREE profiles

- Advertising accounts with high daily limits (Free change when disabled)

- Credit cards (set up available in the accounts)

- Old and Strong Pages (if you don’t have your own)

- 24/7 Support staff.

+ We accept all advertising products. Beside the White Hat products (100% accepted), we also support with the Black Hat: Crypto, NFT, Gambling.


- 8-12% of total spent money

3.Payment methods:

We accept USDT, BTC, Paypal, Payoneer, Wise.


- Telegram : @.tranagency

- Whatsapp: +84334567908

/r/FacebookAds Thread