Risk Factors for Femicide in Abusive Relationships

From you answer I can't tell if you think it's false. You seem to think it's not the main reason? If not, what was the main reason?

No it's true. I tend to disagree with the mra take. Because they heavily rely on dv shelters and help for specifically women. And I think no fault was the greatest decline.

Seriously, Arcon? This is a silly rephrasing. The answer to this is obviously yes and adds no insight.

Exactly. And this post is on femicide by male partners what are triggers, characteristics, and factors for them.

Male DV shelters aka catering to men trying to escape women who fear retaliation from them for leaving ain't going to really do much.

Because that group. Is not a major problem in femicide.

So no that's not a major way to impact women here.

/r/FeminismUncensored Thread Parent Link - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov