It’s crazy to me how her comments are so positive (I know she deletes) but how can everyone not notice the body morphing filter? Look at the door in the background when she moves, it literally it’s glitching, along with the blurry carpet and the outlets in the background of the video…. Insanity

And what? The Kardashians and every other celebrity does the same thing, yet people are obsessed with them. She is very open about her insecurities with her body and history of eating disorders, and she is posting herself for millions of people to see knowing she will be scrutinized no matter what, just like you’re doing. It’s 2022, the majority of women filter themselves and FaceTune their photos before posting due to societal pressures. She promotes make up, and those who are into it know what to expect when wearing make up on their own skin. It’s not that deep for anyone to take the time to mock her for it. The better question is why do we continue to make women feel the need to constantly improve themselves as a society? This is so sad.

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