Addressing "worked harder than OVERKILL did on Infamy 2.0"...

completely ignored the massive, well thought out post of suggestions it came from

You mean like when I said

or how to fix it (my personal favorite).


Really. As someone who has actually done software development, I'm going to tell you: there is no possible way it was not thought out. As someone who has seen the usual quality OVK puts into its products, I can say I doubt this was thrown together at the last minute. This was the plan from the start. I'll concede that the execution of the plan may have been rushed, but to suggest that they simply drew this up on the back of a napkin at lunch and pushed it out the door 3 days later is ludicrous.

Incidentally, thank you for providing me with exactly the kind of toxic that I'm talking about.

If they had sat down and actually thought about it, they would've realised that there is literally no point in going above XVII, because by that point you've got all the new masks and there is zero benefit or reward to reaching XXV. Aside from an achievement. Not even a mask, or even a pattern, for crying out loud. If they hadn't rushed it, they would've made sure that the new masks actually fit on all the heisters' heads. Which they didn't.

I want you to read this comment again, but instead of it being about OVK, I want you to read it as your boss telling you this about something you did at your job.

StarkUK, if you had actually sat down and thought about this, you would have realized that there is literally no point in that task you just spent 2 weeks working on, because it could have been automated by process XYZ. There is zero benefit. Not even billable hours for crying out loud. Also if you hadn't rushed it, there wouldn't be this minor cosmetic problem. Which there is.

Do you see how that's insulting? How it's rude? How it has no place in a discussion about how to make the product better?

But you've also missed the fact that only a minority of people are saying that and actually meaning it.

And that minority seem to be getting an awful lot of upvotes when they say it. If those comments were being downvoted, I wouldn't have bothered, but the fact is the upvoted comments reflect the general mindset of the users.

And a portion of those people are probably just angry and disappointed and exaggerating.

I agree, and that's why I'm posting this and I will stand by it. You have every right to be disappointed at this content. But why are you angry? Infamy 1 was a free update. You didn't have to pay for it. Infamy 2 is free. You don't have to pay anything. What are you angry about? If you want to express your disappointment, do it, but don't stoop to insults and hyperbole.

Honestly don't know what you thought you would achieve by posting this.

I hope to achieve a much more calm and rational discussion about the failing of I2. I hope to achieve an environment where Almir or someone else can actually come and read some suggestions without being attacked about their work product. Because at the end of the day, I hope to achieve a better Infamy 2.0 update. And I believe you are much more likely to do that if you keep the discussion civil.

/r/paydaytheheist Thread