Denmark: Calls for Muhammad cartoons in school textbooks

the mental gymnastics

Indeed, to the uneducated science looks like magic. To the unintelligent, thinking must appear to be a superhuman feat of acrobatic proportions.

The fact that your viewpoint gets more upvotes than...clearly demonstrates why islamic culture is so violent

That you presume that upvotes and downvotes in a subreddit in which voting is anonymous is representative of "islamic culture", or that the upvotes for my comment come from violent muslims and downvotes from peaceful non-muslims, demonstrates that you are severely unintelligent, most likely guided by an unawareness of your own inordinate arrogance. Or does this sound like yoga to you?

killing someone when you're enraged by a cartoon is considered a more reasonable act that offending someone

It is reasonable to expect someone to be angered by an insult. It is not reasonable, but very human to act on impulse. And as I stated above and elsewhere, there is no reasonable defense of insulting the sacred symbols of other people, particularly those that do not affect you.

The thing that should make no sense to you is the fact that people get killed over cartoons

Let's not try to minimize insult by saying "it's just a cartoon", as if black face is just shoe polish, or that a swastika is just intersecting lines. This is a technique most virulently adopted by white peoples to minimize their own offense, but maximize the threat of non-whites. Which is why when you describe an event involving a black man, you say "he was a big black guy". Psychological studies have provided much evidence that white people imagine people of color to be magical, superhuman even. An unarmed teenage Michael Brown "hulked up" and charged towards an armed but righteous white policeman.

offensive satire is produced in the west targeting the catholic church and other christian denominations?

European satirical productions criticizing abstract symbols to dismantle a perceived christian hegemony in a post-christian world is in no way parallel to defaming a human being who is dear to many people from a systematically oppressed and dehumanized minority in Europe, much less the symbols of a culture beyond your borders. This is textbook racism.

Moreover, satirical representations of christian symbols in Europe and America have always been seen as "punching up". White people are welcome to criticize cultural and religious constructs that do not make sense to them. To insult them, however, is a distinctive feature of colonial repression through epistemic violence in post-colonial modernity. "Violent" and "savage" others who are "unreasonable" is the standard imagination held by white people specifically of the Muslim other, and we haven't even touched on the gendering of white western discourse of veiled muslim women, but that is another lesson.

You came to this sub called /r/Islam in typical white male fashion: thinking you are here to teach us. Or should I use smaller words so that the big bad phrases don't hurt your feelings? I mean, they're not even cartoons

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