Admitting to be trans before dating someone should be a social norm

A big issue here is the distinction between dating, being in a relationship with someone having casual sex. Dating is supposed to be the process of information sharing and assessment for moving onto the relationship phase, ideally sex would be near the end of the process, giving plenty of time for sensitive information to be divulged before deciding whether to go through with the most delicate part (physically and metaphorically) of the process.

If during any part of the dating process has one side going, "My immediate reaction is negative but i am aware i don't understand and am willing to discuss it", then you have a chance to give reasoned discussion and the possibility of (i am in no way suggesting coercion) romance overcoming instant reaction to something they may not of allowed themselves to experience due to repression or simply not having though past societal norms, if they are more along the mentality of "That disgusts me and i want no more to do with you" then why do you want to force it with them, the fact they are (at least to you) unreasonable should be an off putting factor for a possible partner.

And if you just want sex then do what any upstanding individual should do start an IRL spam log of "My situation is this... what's your situation? cool. wanna smash?" once to as many different individuals you are willing to be available to.

At no point in any of these processes should violence or coercion be involved.

I believe this should cover all rational philosophical subgroups equally.




But i do admit this is very idealist and reality usually eventually degenerates into "U wanna smash?" "NO!?, thn fukc u." in one form or another for every group.

/r/SuperStraight Thread