I think this deserves its own post

Dusty and filth slicked concrete Abandoned tenements, abandoned dreams Shes slumped beside me Slumped into the poppy field of an oblivion Double fisting jugs Generic brand oversweetened iced tea Or simply just High fructose corn syrup and water The other poppy pop pussy piss Is there really much of a difference?

Plastic pint of piss vodka Rotgut rubinoff...fuck if i care. It gets me fucked. But the taste... Just as fucked.

Iced tea and swish. Thatll do the trick. It will make me stop feeling so fucking sick. Mix and shake.
Hopefully its enough so that I can take The taste of the poison That I need to stop feeling so fucking sick.

Swig and chug. That old dirty jug. Fuck me I grabbed the one filled with piss.

But shes hot enough. So the piss aint that bad. Chairs to you fucks. It aint that said.

Because its moments like these that make ya think Arent we all just piss jug vodka drinks?

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread