[Advice] Oral sex experience with prof crush, not sure how to proceed now

I might try a lil smile. TBH I hope I don't have to avoid him completely. I'd miss his little quirks and glimpses into his humanity behind all the snarky, sulky exterior. Like the fact that he really. fucking. LOVES. His Digestives biscuits. When he had the flu he couldn't keep his fever meds down on an empty stomach, so I suggested he go home. Nope, because "cold and drafty". I suggested he try the hospital; nope because "just a bit of a sniffle". So I brought over toast which made him gag. Milk was too heavy. Jelly just made his nausea worse. And then he's like "the only thing I could eat right now is chocolate Digestives". So I'm like "yeah I have some of those brb in a sec" while thinking "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT NO YOU DON'T WTF DO YOU GET BISCUITS AT 2AM IN A SECOND"

I knock on a few friends' doors and only one of them has them but they're the plain dry ones. e.e I finally find a pack in one of the four kitchen pantries (obvs has to be the last one I check) and steal a couple hoping no-one'll know, thinking he'll have a small nibble. Nope, he wants more. Finally bring the whole pack over, wondering if God's holding a "STEALING IS WRONG!" sign and tapping his foot at me. He proceeds to nom 95% of them. Falls asleep still holding one, protests when I try to get it, then promptly goes back to sleep. Finally get the damn thing, end up gingerly wiping his fingers with a wet napkin wondering if he's going to accidentally punch me in his sleep because you never know with sleeping people who are overly possessive of their Digestives.

And then I have to go to the store at the crack of dawn to get a replacement pack so the poor sod whose biscuits they were wouldn't be missing them. And chicken soup ingredients because the dining hall soup is greasy and gross.


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