[Advice] Wife of four years admits to "faking it"

I'll give an advice to guys. Look, dont be so naive about your partner. You need to explore and understand their body and how it functions at all levels of intemacy.

There is no way a girl could fake a cum with me because by the time we have sex, I would understand what makes and gives her feel sexual sensation and pleasure. This involves a combination of mostly psychology and then some psysical.

There are many things that gives us information about our partners. Once she cums, regardless of type of cum, their body will do certain things that will let you know when is a real cum. If you are still connected, you will also feel their cum and how lubricated it feels. You should have knowledge of their breathing patterns, where they are touching you, and what happens to them when they cum naturally - all woman from all different parts of the world cum different. Some are like men where they will give you one cum and finish. Some will cum all the time while having sex. Some are very difficult to make cum but thats when psychology kicks in. Making these types of girls cum requires more than 60%-70% of mental tricks...the rest is physical. if you are a pleaser, you can learn what makes your women thick at all levels. It is your duty now to find it.

She said that because she is frustrated. you need to find that frustration and remove it. You need to try and make the setting back to your first time. how you do this? you need to figure that out on your own. every relationship is different. there are many stressor that are affecting her now and she is simply not the same. Try your best to remove those stressor and please communicate.

/r/sex Thread