After 40+ hours of practice and grinding I finally tore through the 5th pantheon. I feel like I went through hell and back. This is one of if not the hardest things I have ever done in a video game. GG team cherry, until next time.

Congrats! Do you have any plans to go further?

I know it's not for everybody, but I really enjoyed filling out the binding notches.

I did so on my first playthrough, and once I got to Godhome on my Steel Soul, I realized how much I'd improved because of the challenge, the charmbound run in particular.

It's crazy, but I actually felt like I was cheating even when I was nail, shell or soul bound. I'd also said that the pantheon was the hardest thing I'd ever done in a video game, and to see my improvement as I was just breezing through the individual bindings was incredibly satisfying.

I still haven't gotten around to grinding for the all bindings run, partly because of how frustrating the Collector and Zote fights are, but I might eventually.

Anyway, that's my braggy recommendation for a further challenge. Congrats again.

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