Album 6 Countdown Song Discussion - Song 54 - An Ode to Lost Jigsaw Pieces (In Two Movements) / The Embers

Ah, the Ode. I couldn't listen this song for a really long time. As 2017 was ending, My ex and I broke up after a long time and, well, you can imagine how painfuly relatable this one was to me. I tried to listen to it a few times after, but there was no way I could without breaking down.

Fast forward to 2019, I decided to play The Spark from start to finish without skipping any songs, and it was beautiful. As Rou says in the end "we all cope somehow". I did cope, and now I can look back and rememer those times happily. Both The Spark and the Ode mean a lot to me, personally (and I'm sure to many people too!). It will forever hold a place in my heart, but it was an album marked by an event in my life. I need something new and exciting for a new and exciting era.

I can't put into words how happy I am for Nothing Is True.

And thank you /u/MDevonL for this song discussions! I've saved this one, I'm sure I'll want to read it all again from time to time. :)

/r/EnterShikari Thread