All these shoes and no clothes

if everything fits well and you coordinate colors correctly, you can really get away with having a few pieces in your wardrobe and that's all. it would be really boring and basic but it's a starting point to where you can build up from there.

nice fitting jeans (note, nice fitting doesn't mean skin tight. if you a bigger dude get pants that fit nice in the thighs / seat and get them tailored from the knees down) in a light wash and dark wash or black. basic color tees in white, tan, black, gray. blank hoodies in black, darker colors like wine red or army green. a bomber in black or army green despite being played out.

I always recommend that people should get basics like that before diving any deeper into fashion (streetwear specifically since that's what I'm into). Obviously you can't wear hoodies and tshirts everyday but it's important that you know how clothes should properly fit and what colors work well together before getting more complex. From there it's all about self expression and wearing what you like. For example, I've really been into cropped pants, vintage windbreakers, and chunky running shoes lately.

Check /r/streetwear or /r/malefashionadvice for more info, and keep in mind that what I said is very very basic and shouldn't be your go to style forever, but rather a way to learn what works and what doesn't before going crazy with fashion.

/r/Sneakers Thread Parent