Alright devs. Time to tone down the fog. Its becoming a health concern!

submitted 4 hours ago by Boloking18 OK so you guys split the game 2 different game which I understand. Why is it you need BR permission to add new stuff to survival. Remember you guys split. BR makes there own fixes. And survival shouldn't have to wait for approved stamp to patch survival. It's 2 diff games. Let the BR dev work on there game. And survival work and patch there game. Why is it so hard. It's not the same game . so if you add new stuff to survival just do it. Same goes for BR. They are both diff games. [–]Boloking18[S] 1 point 4 hours ago How will it affect one of the other. Since you split the game into 2 diff ones. And split the 2 teams. One for BR and one for survival. So it's a problem if you fix one game before the other game. permalinksaveeditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply [–]Dev Stalker & Hizzypedia | SurvivorsRest.comHaniiBlu 1 point 4 hours ago I'll try and explain even more simplified for you then...

It's two teams under one banner, there isn't a executive producer, producer, technical director and art director for each game, those guys oversee both games.

But the people underneath them are somewhat split and focus on one or the other, mainly the designers. Programmers and artists would likely have a main focus but do work that effects or goes into both games.

Fixes that need to be applied to both games will be applied to both games.

In this case a fix was applied to both games, that fix had a bug and so is preventing BOTH games Test server updates from going up.

KoK is not preventing the JS from pushing an update, a bug present in both games is preventing both games pushing an update. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Boloking18[S] 1 point 4 hours ago So in other words. You just made the split for profit but. Still use the same game build. For both games. So it is not 2 diff game. Just reskin the menu . kotk and js. So you push more updates on the more pop kotk and just handy down the updates to js. Knowing that the fence jumping would affect js. But oh well for js fans like me. All about BR still. permalinksaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply [–]Dev Stalker & Hizzypedia | SurvivorsRest.comHaniiBlu 1 point 3 hours ago* You Not me.

Still use the same game build. For both games. Incorrect.

Knowing that the fence jumping would affect js. That was done before the split. It doesn't effect JS that much with the base perimeter protections and foundation permissions in place. They just need to lower the Metal Gate again to be the same height as the Metal Wall but allow you to place an Upper Metal Wall above (that is static), and then introduce a Large Metal Gate that is full-height double-doors like the gates to Hilltop in TWD. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Boloking18[S] 0 points 3 hours ago Seriously it does affect js. Did you not see other people video how easy it is to jump into a base. And blow up the vehicle. And someone new to the game think they are safe with items in a furnace or any other containers with all the walls up but one. Someone jump in and steals everything they worked for. Due to this jumping. They stop playing permalinksaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply [–]IdWhipThat 1 point 3 hours ago Okay well sense both games are separate does that mean i can get my H1Z1 account back because it was banned for "modding" in Battle Royal, so technically it shouldn't count against me for JS. Because i find that very reasonable, also its a punch of crap that Battle Royal gets all the updates and new improved in-game updates as JS is still glitchy and has way more bugs than BR. If you want to separate the company in two sections you have to waste money on new employment. But to everyonenot all think its a bunch of horse crap. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Mrvoss25 1 point 2 hours ago Right on bolo . I'm new to the game. I was going to to scrap seen 2 guys by my deck foundation they boosted one person I reported them. But they killed me and took all I had. Almost quit for this reason. I had all but 2 walls missing in the back. But they jumped over my metal wall doorway. And exit from the rear . permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Boloking18[S] 1 point 2 hours ago Sorry to hear that . but daybreak is more focused on battle royal . BR players were mad about they couldn't jump over metal fence. So they instantly changed it permalinksaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply [–]Dev Stalker & Hizzypedia | SurvivorsRest.comHaniiBlu -1 points 4 hours ago* Why is it you need BR permission to add new stuff to survival. Where are you getting that ill-informed impression?

They said they can't push the patch to Test because of a bug. At no point have they stated that one game is stopping the other.

It sounds you like have misread or misunderstood this comment where Radar_X is explaining how in some situations an issue could effect both games, a fix could be applied to both games, if there is a bug with that fix then it would obviously effect both games.

So to recap, if the same issue is present in both games, they will obviously fix that issue in both games. Having two people (one for each game) fixing the exact same thing doesn't make any sense at all, so they wouldn't waste resources like that. However, if there is an issue with that fix it will inherently effect both games. Do you understand now?

Edit: To add to this, if an issue is effecting both H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2, when the issue is fixed in PlanetSide 2 they will obviously share that same fix with the H1Z1 team too, just like any updates and modifications that have been done to H1Z1s terrain editor have been shared back to the PS2 tools team too. It's just that obviously JS and KoK are a lot more close knit. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Boloking18[S] 2 points 4 hours ago You sound a bit hurt. And salty. All I did was ask a ? Since it is 2 seperate games. permalinksaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply

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