Alright let's be blunt and honest, what's your business and what do you personally make (salary) a year?

Yeah, no thanks to that, I just want to have more flexibility to raise my kids with some ability to experience more than they can right now, get in a lot of good moments for my oldest before he gets too ill (he has Cystic Fibrosis which gets worse over time) and I don't want his healthcare to ever be a cost issue. Fortunately it is covered by state healthcare at the moment is income-based and his meds are $15-$30k/mo routinely which scares the shit out of me. I'm prime "medical bankruptcy" candidate if that ever goes away. I hear you on the lack of sleep and long hours. I just recently cut back to 6 days per week (not including my night shifts) after five years, and doing 12-16 hour days, a lot of those not billable, frankly sucks and leaves me with a lot of guilt, which leads to productivity issues and what I think might be depression, esp. when he's in the hospital and I'm home with the others. I don't get much work done when he's there with his mom and the rest of us just try to move through the days. I have to stop coming down so hard on myself I guess, but then again, I don't want to because it provides the impetus to try to do more. Despite all that, it makes me appreciate every single little iota of goodness that comes to our lives, and even though we're in a financial mess, my credit ruined, I still find happiness in every stable health day he has and for all the hard work we do trying to make life happy for them independent of money issues. Sorry for the unloading, I just think - maybe this will help someone else with some challenging circumstances see that you have to be happy with everything that you can find because financial success won't provide that to you.

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