Am I the only person in the world who likes the 'Dear Fat People' Video??

Would people still find it funny if it was about people with Anorexia, or Bulimia? There are serious mental conditions and diseases which contribute to obesity. The only reason Fat Acceptance exists at all is because of public shaming. And at that its such a small movement I'm willing to bet its statistically overshadowed by trolls who will use it as bait when people get offended by it. (Basically non-existent)

Depression is a serious illness and can lead to weight gain, does anyone honestly believe encouraging people to bully clinically depressed people is in their best interest? Anyone who has struggled with weight loss wouldn't joke about it, unless they themselves were overweight because they just didn't give a fuck.

Losing weight is basic math, less calories in, more calories burned through exercise = weight loss. But there are so many more factors to it, to call everyone who is obese a lazy fat ass is just ignorant. Just look at childhood obesity, are you honestly going to tell me that is the childs fault and shaming them is going to fix the problem? We're lucky we live in a progressively more health conscious society everyday, calories being labeled, 0 cal options, promoting super foods, hundreds of exercise and diet programs. But we fall entirely flat when it comes to mental health and education, which can be the root of many physical conditions. We don't treat the problem until it comes to a head, be it someone becoming morbidly obese, or something more serious like rape or murder. These are people that need support and guidance, not ridicule.

I'm not offended by the video, I'm pissed off someone with a platform that big is using it to encourage bullying. And honestly, its extremely low effort. Picture for a minute a jumpcut of all the stupid acting out she did in the video, it would be like 3 minutes of akward silence and derpy hand motions. Seriously, its like she can't get through a sentence in a single take. I love controversial comedians who can offend but first and foremost entertain, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks. Nicole is in another ballpark entirely, her 'Act' would get her booed of any real stage because its boring and offensive for the sake of being offensive.

Personal story time, I was an active kid, Soccer/Taekwondo/swimming, Honors student, all around healthy. Going into grade school my parents got divorced, my father liked other women (Hes married for a third time now) and I have 2 brothers from seperate a mother, both older than me. My dad was the strict one of the family, being now a single child in the household with my mother who was used to making up for his harshness unfortunately led to bad eating habits. I was overweight, not obese, still active, but larger because of it.

Skip ahead to the end of High School, My weight is doing good, I'm starting to lose a few pounds and out of nowhere bam. Start of a new year and I make 3 days of school in the first month. Over the summer I started sleeping 18-20 hours per day, it didn't seem like a major concern until school started and I was missing class. My mom was concerned for my health, and one day after calling the school advisor was told to call an ambulance if she believed there was a serious medical issue causing this. I was totally unresponsive, no amount of shaking/pour ice cold water onto me/shouting could wake me up. Being asleep I didn't remember any of it, but according to her the paramedics showed up, face flick/pain stimulus test (Pen on nail compression)/etc and nothing. They actually used a AED (defib kit) on me because they weren't certain of a pulse (very faint) and that I definitely remember because its like getting punched in the chest with a red hot iron.

To try and cut this down shorter, I spent the next 2 years doing classes online while bouncing from appointment to appointment, overnight testing, specialists, you name it. I had signs of liver failure, my thyroid levels were shot, and I would stop breathing in my sleep. Over this period it was impossible to stay active, I loaded on the weight. Eventually the specialist I ended up with attributed my symptoms to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I spent nearly 5 years going for consulting, overnight sleep studies, home testing different machines and masks without any relief from my constant fatigue. Eventually my specialist dropped me entirely after both of us were frustrated at lack of results from CPAP/BiPAP/Mandibular Devices you name it. Thousands of dollars of durable medical equipment did nothing and all the while I was extremely limited in what I could do. Doing course work online was hard, a majority of the time I was in a complete haze and too tired to focus on anything. In my moments of clarity I would rush through course after course to get as much done as possible within deadlines, often finishing the months assignments in an afternoon. I still managed to keep in the top of my grade somehow, except in math. I tried tutors but most of the time spent with them was wasted in a hazy state, nothing would stick, I could grasp the parts of an equation separately but would blank out entirely trying to solve the problem.

Nearly a year and a half ago I ended up in therapy, borderline suicidal while on the strongest available prescription anti-depressant available. I'm 23 now but at 20 my peak weight was over 420lbs. I never felt like I was healthy at my weight, but I wasn't disabled by it either, I never used any mobility aids and other than my Asthma which I've had since childhood (Way before the weight) I could and still can keep up with most of my 'skinny' friends. ([](Here is me playing DDR))

I'm still on 2 Anti-depressants to this day, I still have no cure for my sleep conditions and I've been officially declared disabled due to my fatigue and recieve AISH benefits to help pay the bills. (It was determined independently by a group of doctors that my condition will not improve with therapy or weight loss based on findings, and that I'm likely to suffer from it for life) Despite all this I've vastly improved my diet, exercise whenever I have the energy to, and have dropped nearly 100lbs on my own. I'm on my way to a healthy body and it has nothing to do with fat shaming, no one is happy at this weight, the discomfort, pain, body image problems, no one can look past those and say 'no I want cake more'. If my friends were anything like this 'comedian' I probably would have killed myself, thankfully they have been very supportive in all my efforts.

She may say 'not the people with medical conditions' but how many people have you seen ask a person about their story before making fun of them? Its just encouraging bullying and hate towards potentially fragile individuals. Yes being fat is killing them, so why make them feel even more shitty about it?

Its all in bad taste in a poor effort to get views and popularity on youtube because she knows the response she will get. I don't give a fuck if its anti-politically incorrect. No one with half a brain actually buys into the tumblrina #triggered bullshit anyways. Theres a difference between being too PC, being offensive, and being a shitty person. Why the fuck can't everyone just be excellent to each other.

/r/youtube Thread