Amazon complains Elon Musk's companies don't play by the rules

Look, maybe this is an issue of two people reading the same articles and coming to opposite conclusions based on pre-existing opinions. I read through your links, and didn't see any evidence that he dumped any of his crypto. Certainly, those articles quoted people who dislike him, though.

That being said, Tesla did sell 10% of their Bitcoin holdings, claiming that it was a test to confirm liquidity. Are you suggesting that to be the dump part of a pump and dump? It just doesn't fit the definition, I'm afraid. In the end, we'd have to find unbiased people to determine whether he has dumped his shares or not.

You're calling me a fanboy, I guess that's a derogatory way to say that I admire him. I'd agree with you there; I conclude what he's done in business is, in fact, worthy of admiration: solar, space, brain interface, electric cars, etc. But I try to be rational and facts-based about it. And I assess your statements to be, frankly, emotional and false.

Anyway, let's hope we can find agreement in other areas someday. All the best.

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