Remote Work Doesn’t Have to Mean All-Day Video Calls

I can't pay attention to what anybody is saying or to the issue at hand if there is a floating face in front of me. I never understood what the point was.

Even when clients turn on their video I always just keep mine audio.

As long as they let you either do it or not.

If someone REQUIRED that I do that, I'd fire them as a client stat.

The whole reason I gravitated toward a location independent career is because I like being alone and I do not like people, so I can understand why extroverted people who love teamwork stuff would be frustrated by it.

But for me, all that is required to orchestrate even large multi-milliom dollar product launches with multiple moving parts and team members is email.

I still get irrationally upset when people want to have a call.

My girlfriend could tell you I growl and stomp on the way to my office before any call that "This could have been a fucking email -- they're going to waste an hour of my life for something thay could have been FOUR bullet points!" Lol.

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