[FIND] Make America Great Again Hat

  1. Some context is needed. They were suing Trump because not everyone got the same results. That's like saying if I went to Harvard and all of us didn't become geniuses we can sue. Now, the judge who was a part of the case could be seen as biased against president Trump because the judge himself on his judicial questionnaire mentions he is a member of La Raza Lawyers association. This is an organization that has been out organizing anti-Trump protests defacing property and attacking police officers.

  2. The apartment allegation happened back in 1973 when Fred Trump was running the company, not Donald trump. African Americans were responding to ADs posted by Fred Trump, not Donald Trump.

  3. It wasn't a Muslim ban. It was just a ban on those countries on the list. The list was compiled by Barack Obama himself. There are million of Muslims outside those countries, you know that right? In those countries they are taught and they practice acts of terrorism. Obama dropped 26k bombs in 2016 to the counties on the list, you know that? The countries that were on the list went to Europe, and tell me how that's going?

Paris? Barcelona? Rape and sexual assault is rising over there.

I'm done here. Just got home to respond to your comment.

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