Coffee vs kratom

And multiple people said something about your use of the word objective so I'm clearly not the only one who apparently needs reading comprehension (thanks for that BTW, real mature).

I don't know where you get off with insinuating that I'm immature when you're the one who undermined me by saying that I was underage.

You came here to ask which is objectively worse in terms of addiction, but it seems like you don't like the answer...

I don't like the answer? Seriously? Literally all I have said since you brought up the fact kratom withdrawals can be physical (which I thought was a valid point) was that empirical evidence such as the fact there is a sub for quitting kratom but no equivalent for coffee was not enough for an objective perspective on this argument. Now, I have not made up my mind on which is the worst out of the two.

Caffeine withdrawals are quite physical in some situations. so I think it depends largely on how people use kratom. I did heed throw's advice, and checked out r/quittingkratom. It seemed like a large majority of these people were using kratom throughout the day when that truly doesn't appeal to me at all. I was hoping that users of r/kratom could compare and contrast concrete evidence here on whether replacing kratom with coffee was really all that dangerous but I have clearly expected too much from this sub.

I still remain unconvinced that replacing those 2 cups of coffee with kratom is the objectively worse option. And the empirical evidence mentioned here does nothing to change that. For every account of the horrors of kratom, I can find a glowing review on it.

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