Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture (including more than 75% on all racial groups and ages).

I'm sure there are as many conservatives who feel in-group pressure not to call Biden "president elect" while considering themselves opposed to "political correctness".

Exactly. Marsha Blackburn had to claim she "misspoke" when she referred to Biden as president-elect. During the Google hearings she asked Sundar if an employee who had criticized her still had a job.

My parents have become very concerned about "political correctness" but are borderline fascists. They have been involved with religious groups who have gotten people fired for being gay. When they say they are worried about political correctness what they really mean is they are worried their their far right interpretation of Catholicism isn't politically correct. If that were not the case they would love that political correctness could get you fired or silence you because in that case it wouldn't be "politically correct" to them, just "correct".

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