Ana - the Hanzo of healers??

Um... Chances are, the Diamond Anas you've met don't actually deserve to be in Diamond and are actually Gold/Platinum at best.

Unfortunately, Season 4 has been a bit of a mess, and it's been somewhat easy for people to rank up to Diamond.

Anas who hold nano all game, never anti heal, waste biotic on one safe teammate, never land sleeps on ulting enemies or charging reins or hooking hogs, or who simply cant land shots while youre standing still.

I think the bigger issue is how people in Diamond don't know how to follow up on them even if she properly handles all those things.

For example, you can anti-heal the enemy team the entire round, but if your team is too passive to attack them, it amounts to nothing. The enemy team just backs off and resumes the fight.

IMO, I wouldn't say that she's the "Hanzo" of healers; it's more that many Ana players have inflated ranks. You know you've probably got a good Ana on your team if you can check her profile to see if she has at least 10 hours played and her Average Healing stat is above 9k.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread