Why do people think Zen is bad?

Many people think Zen is bad because he has low heals.

Zen isn’t great at sustaining a tank who is headbutting the enemy tank at choke. But Zen is great for healing teammates behind enemy lines, like a Genji or Tracer. zen heal orb can also enable mobile tanks like Doom and Ball.

Basically, the idea that “Zen orb enables flankers” is too advanced concept. With that said, I think Zen works with pretty much all supports now except Zen-Lucio. Sure, you can win games with Zen-Lucio, but you’re making things harder than it needs to be.

Zen-Brig is actually viable now in low and med ranks as long as the tank is low resource. Previously, Zen-Brig was only viable in high ranks in OW1 because the tanks would take too much damage for Zen-Brig to sustain (looking at you Plat Dva). In OW2, the tank just needs to be low resource (Ball, Doom, Hog, Sig) and Zen-Brig can work in low and med ranks. (Btw, low-med ranks is Bronze to Master, yep, Master is now med ranks)

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread