Support main was plat before ow2 now (although a lil embarrassed to admit) I’m hard stuck silver.

Then don't tp to them? I never said you should save everyone at any time, just having the capability or option to do so. Spread or out of position/flanking does also not have to mean in immediate danger of dying. Who in their right mind goes into the entire enemy team with no idea of follow up or escape. It is not as if once you go to someone they are bound to be without any cover and you can't go anywhere afterwards.

Have yet to see a brawl comp or any comp for that matter that, when they see a lone tank with a static support behind them and maybe another (not more otherwise the spread argument falls), and thought to themselves: you know what, let's not push into that. But maybe those just aren't my games. I too wish for a world where supports have 0 pressure, do not get shot/dove/run over and out heal all the damage on their tank.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread Parent