Opinions on using psychological warfare?

I think “baiting” is kind of the word you’re looking for here, but it does play into flustering the other team. Its just basic strategy based on player behavior, I think it’s definitely legitimate, it’s just a tactic that should supplement a more team-involved plan most of the time.

My little tactics typically would be based on my weirdly good projectile aiming on console (I suck at normal aiming), so I would sucker characters who normally think they can win a 1v1 with me or think they are in an advantageous situation into situations where I knew I had the upper hand.

One of which is pharah vs. Orissa. Most pharahs think they can easily dodge Orissa’s gun, but I set down a shield, hide under the slight curve that gives protection from above, and just focus to make sure most of the shots land. When she moves to shoot me from behind the shield, I’d just move to the other side. That and Halt were an easy kill whenever Pharah was out of position. Been a while since I’ve played though.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread