Anokuu's Guide to Drone controlling | Practice daily to become pro at Necromancer / Overlord :)

Nice guide and a fun excersize to do!

Am not sure though if players who want to learn the overlord should focus on repel. Moving your drones with repel while under fire and while aiming at a moving target is much more difficult then moving with the mouse. Overlord is a difficult class if you move your drones with repel,if you move with the mouse pointer it is an easy class !

Players should not get discouraged with the overlord if they have trouble using repel,dont make it difficult for yourself at the start. When you are more experienced and very serious about mastering every aspect of the overlord,then this is a great guide on how to use and train your repel abilitys. But to play the overlord at decent level (able to get rank 1 with it and hold it for a bit) repel is not needed at all and might make things unneccesarely difficult for you.

If you want to learn the overlord I would just play the overlord over and over in ffa, and watch other overlords who have a high score. The most important thing to learn when you start with this class is how to move your body and your drones at the same time in different directions/targets,without focusing on one of them and completely forgetting about the other. (it is similar to bullet classes who have to focus on dodge/move and aim at the same time) The best way to train this is to just play a lot of games. You need to get a feeling for how and where to move with your class

/r/Diepio Thread Link -