Normies, it's not because we're mysoginists the reason we're incel, do you really believe we say the things we say here in real life too? Your naiveness baffles me

It's insulting how you think incels are somehow confined to wearing their heart on their sleeve.

Last term I took a class on a topic loosely connected to gender studies taught by a feminist professor. We were 20 girls and 3 guys. In the context of that class I was a feminist. Think of it like method acting or whatever. By nature I'm a really bad liar - but at some point as a young teenager I noticed that I can fully believe something even though I know it to be false and that people don't seem to be able to tell I am lying once I've adopted my lie as a belief. From religious conservative to communist, from feminist to men's rights activist, from pacifist to advocate of terrorism there is hardly an ideological position that I haven't spoken about with the utmost conviction at one point or another (and all of it were/are lies). Of course I didn't just say "yes" to everything (that would be suspicious and weird), I took a position somewhat distinct from most of the attendants (most of my female costudents see feminism as a movement to create equal opportunity for women, I adopted a notion of feminism as a movement against the suffocating effects of toxic & prescriptive gender roles in general) and we seemed to get along great. There was no inkling of them sensing anything wrong with me, we often continued talking before/after class.

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