[Serious] Which real story can you tell that matches a movie plot that was not based on true story ?

My Sister-in-Law was kidnapped in China by the police in collusion with a rival business owner. Plan was to have her sign over her business to the other business rival. He would split the business income with the police once he had control.
Because of past connections through her family my Sister-in-Law had friends in the Red Army. She asked that they (Army), be allowed to handle the transaction to ensure her safety after papers signed. This was all agreed to and a date and location was picked to complete the transaction.
When the time came to sign papers the cafe that was selected was filled with Army personnel in civilian clothes. Sister-in-Law says she needs to use restroom and a female police officer accompanies her. Other cafe patrons get up and block female cop while Sister-in-Law (SIL) goes out back door into a waiting army vehicle. She's taken down to Guangzhou into a Army barracks. This was in the 95-96 time frame and Hong Kong's transition to Chinese rule. So when Army sends in a group of soldiers to rotate out other soldiers who were stationed at the embassy in HK she is in that group. Grabs her British passport and heads to U.S. until the other business owner is removed from the problem, permanently.
I had went over to help get my Brother-in-Law out of HK into the U.S. by getting paperwork to get him a tourist visa. This was to remove him from being used as leverage if they weren't able to get to her. I had also contacted a couple of Senators and a Congressmam to ask State Dept to ask China why the sister of a U.S. citizen had been kidnapped by police in a certain city just SW of Bejing. This helped push the police to agree to the meeting in the cafe. Oh, the Congressman was only one to help out of those I had contacted.
Pick a "Bourne" movie, "Kidnapped" movie and parts of this have probably occurred in one of them.

/r/AskReddit Thread