Have any of you had a viral video?

It really depends on what you consider viral. We have a few videos that broke 100k views. Some got there quicker then others. Our top performer will break 400k views in the next day or two and we did that one at Christmas time, 2018. So less then 3 months ago.

I usually consider viral videos that reach views like this within a week or so though. I don't look at our videos really as viral, but videos that performed well.

Of course this is excluding million sub channels who should be getting views like this regularly.

Every time we create a video I am thinking how can we optimize the video for the most views possible. How can we make people feel like that have to watch this video. Make it so tempting that if it pops up on their screen it will be impossible for them to not click on it. Put a spin on your video that takes whatever you are trying to accomplish to another level. This is what you should be tryin to achieve every video you put out. You won't always be successful at it. Sometimes the ones you think you failed at doing so will do better then expected, but that is what you should always be aiming for. You want to get to the point where videos performing well don't surprise you and videos performing badly do.

In order to be big, you must think big.

/r/NewTubers Thread