Any one managed to lose weight or even eat normally without keto or low carb?

With hypoglycemia, you need to either go low carb or go low glycemic index to manage blood sugar. At this point, it's the only way to we have to manage the condition (unless your reactive hypoglycemia is caused by a treatable medical condition).

That being said, a low glycemic index diet allows for lots of carbs (beans, peas, barley, quinoa, etc.) and it will help keep your blood sugar stable. If you want to lose weight while eating carbs, I recommend volume eating with a low glycemic index diet, (check out r/Volumeeating). So CICO, eating clean, lots of veggies, protein, and fiber, and making sure your carbs are low glycemic will help keep your blood sugar stable and minimize hunger.

Keep in mind that when cutting out junk food there is usually a withdrawal period where not only your blood sugar, but also your dopamine levels return to normal. Your cravings/hunger will be worse in the beginning and greatly improve over time. Having personally gone through this, I can say it was challenging, but well worth it.

Additionally, a lot of people with RH benefit from cutting out (or reducing) caffeine and alcohol, so I recommend looking into that as well.

/r/Hypoglycemia Thread