Has anyone ordered from aussiehits?

 ||Basic DetailsVendor: |[Broker007] 
Market: |[AlphaBay]
 Product: |[1g of Meth] 
Price: |[NA]
 Shipped from: |[US] 
Shipped to: |[US] 
Shipping speed: |[2 days] 
Required FE: |[NO] 
Vacuum Sealed: |[Yes]
 MBB: |[Yes] 
Decoy: |[No]
||Ranking (Choose one per category)Communication: |[Exceeds Expectations]
 Stealth: |[Meets Expectations]
 Shipping time: |[Exceeds Expectations]
 Product weight: |[Exceeds Expectations] 
Product quality: |[Exceeds Expectations]
|OVERALL (subjective): |[Exceeds Expectations] 



 ||Basic Details

Vendor: |[Broker007]

Market: |[AlphaBay]

Product: |[1g of Meth]

Price: |[NA]

Shipped from: |[US]

Shipped to: |[US]

Shipping speed: |[2 days]

Required FE: |[NO]

Vacuum Sealed: |[Yes]

MBB: |[Yes]

Decoy: |[No]

Communication: |[Exceeds Expectations]

Stealth: |[Meets Expectations]

Shipping time: |[Exceeds Expectations]

Product weight: |[Exceeds Expectations]

Product quality: |[Exceeds Expectations]


/r/DarkNetMarkets Thread