Apologies in advanced if this annoying to anyway but ya girl is trying to vent a lil here: is it just me or is that type of attitude just disgusting?

Whenever I see people like this, I think of someone I once knew who was convinced he was going to become an emcee. Then he was going to be a rapper. Then he was going to be a t-shirt designer. Then he was going to be something else, and the pattern continued. All throughout, he held either jobs that passed in the blink of an eye or that never existed at all. He contributed nothing to society. He was not advancing himself in any gainful way. And still, he was relentlessly proud of himself. These parasites are always only too thrilled to find some new situation to leech off of. They dress the act up as “success” and bask in it afterwards, oblivious to even the faintest notion of a life lived in the service of others.

/r/funkopop Thread Link - i.redd.it