Please report lewd behavior to California state park police at (951) 443- 2969. They are just minutes away . Being a pervert at Blacks Beach is not cool.

You're going to seem like the creepers patrolling people's space in invasive ways. No one wants to have someone on their back when they're not doing anything wrong. There's no need to patrol anything, if someone is creeping it will be obvious and you have no right to go around assuming the worst and cresting and uncomfortable presence. You are the creeps for doing this, you're creeping around looking for creepers and don't see the creepy weird thing you're trying to do. Leave people alone we don't want you in our business. Creepers will be obvious, dont look for trouble because then you're the werird pervs invading others people space and business as well as people on mushrooms don't want to have to communicate with your intrusive "patrol" group. Get a life.

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