Also, that is not a review of the curriculum, that is a review of you not getting the help you wanted. I am curious, for students like you, what do you expect the curriculum to be? a full C.S. degree worth of content for a quarter of the price? do you know what a good curriculum is? because I have gone through 4 curriculums, aa open, fullstack open, and a few other ones, just to test and review, and their curriculum is not bad at all, content-wise. I don't think a/A is the best by no means, but sometimes you students seem to be expecting something much different, like you want a full degree for a quarter of the time, and also, how would you know what a good curriculum is? because it didn't work out how you wanted? As I said they are not the best, but they are a 7/10 at least and as far as bootcamps go that isn't bad, the curriculum itself is solid.