Build A Dev is Offering its April 3rd cohort free of charge

  1. We are not your competitor. We do not accept people who have never coded before who want a low cost program. We work with experienced engineers, with high expectations, who are paying for an expensive program and expecting a premium experience.
  2. I have never reviewed you or said anything whatsoever about your program's curriculum, content, never judged the leaders and their qualifications. Read my comments carefully. All I've done is researched, clicked around your website, Googled, and report what I found. There's no opinion in there so it's not a review.
  3. You are a not a charity, and that's a huge distinction in Canada, but you are marketing to a mostly US market here that doesn't know the difference. You have no tax benefits or advantages. I can't donate money to you. You are a corporation whose owners cannot benefit personally from the company.
  4. I have a lot of family in Ottawa! I wish you guys the best, but I feel like you are living in a different world/we are not on the same page and you should focus on making this next cohort work really well instead of trying to use me as an excuse. When Sophie started Buildschool, prior to Formation, it was entirely free, and that comes with tremendous challenges which you'll soon find out. Instead of asking for help and support, you are treating me us like an evil competitor out to get you.
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