Treating kids harshly to "prepare them for the workforce" perpetuates the cycle of companies not providing healthy work-life balances.

It is amazing to me that every new batch of kids who arrive in the world come in fresh and blank and eager to learn, and a huge amount of these poor children have this done to them, and their heads get filled with total bullshit that bakes in bad ideas, with a little trauma on top to seal the deal and boom, you have newly spawned malfunctioning people yeeting around with badly formatted brains.

Then they grow up and unless they're in the subset of adults who process what happened to them and resolve not to do it to their kids, the cycle repeats.

I honestly think that things only get better slowly because every round a few more kids slip through the net than the round before.

It's going to be interesting once life extension and biotech hit the mainstream, to see how many people use the extra lifespan to change and grow, and how many just sink further into racism and hate and turn into Gollum.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread Parent